The tool that is proving to be far more than just travel planning!

myPTP, developed by Liftshare, is the first ever planning tool to integrate data for all modes of transport; including walking, cycling, public transport, car-sharing and single occupancy car journeys. Park and Ride is offered as an additional option as well!

The tool delivers a detailed and interactive personalised travel plan in less than a minute, which can be emailed directly to an individual or viewed online through an interactive page of results. So it really is travel planning made easy, but it is proving to be much more than this.

Many organisations are utilising myPTP as a ‘hook’ at travel events, using the technology to draw people’s attention and start a conversation and there is plenty to talk about…

  • The cycling data included isn’t just your typical Google data, but rather it includes data from Cycle Streets which provides the most detailed algorithms of any journey planner available emulating the decisions that a knowledgeable cyclist would take, in order that this knowledge can be passed on to those new to an area or to help people find improvements to their existing journeys. The routing takes into account a wide variety of factors and makes use of data sourced from local people via OpenStreetMap. These include: road type, hills and elevation, signed routes, whether the route is part of Local Authority signed networks or the Sustrans National Cycle Network, surface quality, presence of cycle lanes and cycle paths, contraflow systems, cycle lane widths, lighting, crossings and traffic lights and barriers such as chicanes or kerbs.
  • The inclusion of car-sharing data can encourage people to join local or private Liftshare schemes and helps to demonstrate just how accessible car-sharing really is as a travel option – not to mention how cheap!

Not only that, the tool has proven effective in generating long-term modal shift. Survey results show myPTP has created:

• 200% increase in the uptake of cycling

• 100% increase in car-sharing

• 66.7% increase in train use

• 37.5% increase in walking


If you’d like to understand more about what myPTP can offer and what impact it can have on your own sustainable travel objectives, please contact Kate on 01603 389321 or email

Author liftshare


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