Staff wanting to car-share doubles for NHS Borders Thanks to Liftshare

The introduction of a Liftshare scheme for NHS Borders has seen a positive change in employees travel behaviours, with almost double the number of car-sharers registering compared to the old in-house system.

Over the years NHS Borders have struggled to manage the demand for parking at its hospital site.  In 2011 the hospital introduced a car parking policy to overcome its parking problems, which included recruiting the services of Liftshare. Historically the hospital had managed a car-sharing platform in house, with the advice and support of Liftshare the new car-sharing scheme has seen considerable growth.

Full Case study can be read here: NHS Borders case study

If you would like more information about how a Liftshare scheme could help your business – please get in touch email or call 01603 389321 and speak to Kate



Author Jonathan Scutt


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