Despite Liftshare week officially starting next week (1st October 2018), our Liftshare week prize draw runs from 24th September – 14th October. This gives you three full weeks to grab a sidekick and join our legion of Super Commuters. For Liftshare week 2018, we’re asking you to sign up, add…

filed in: Uncategorised | tags: #liftshareweek, car-share, cinema, cinema tickets, cineworld,

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Hello Liftsharers, and welcome to another Twosday – the day we champion the benefits of sharing, and reveal new ways you can make someone else’s life that little bit brighter. As always, you can share your tips and advice with us, or just namedrop someone who made your life amazing on Twitter using the tag #littlemoments. Because it’s not always…

filed in: Liftshare | tags: #liftshareweek, #littlemoments, cake, lift-share, Liftshare,

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We thought we’d round-off #liftshareweek with a truly heart-warming community tale in what we’re calling ‘Find a Friend Friday.’ It’s the story of two people – Claire and Eddie – who have been sharing lifts since 2001, and have become the best of friends thanks to their time on the road. This is just one example of the amazing connections…

filed in: Liftshare | tags: #liftshareweek, Liftshare, Liftshare Week,

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Hello Liftsharers, we hope you’ve been having a great day! Welcome to what we’re calling ‘Thank You Thursday’ – a day for all you drivers and passengers out there to namedrop the community members who have helped you. By using #Liftshareweek on Twitter and Facebook, or dropping us a line at, you can tell us about the…

filed in: Liftshare | tags: #liftshareweek, Holly, Liftshare Week,

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Hello everybody and welcome to ‘Way to Work Wednesday’ on Liftshare Week. Today we meet one of our members who used Liftshare to save money on their daily commute, stay mobile with epilepsy and make amazing new connections. Commuting aside, Liftshare can be used to get to any number of events up and down the UK –…

filed in: Liftshare | tags: #liftshareweek, Liftshare, Liftshare Week, Tim,

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Well hello there and welcome to Liftshare Week, the celebration of our wonderful community and the incredible stories they have to tell. We’ve dubbed today ‘Money-Saving Monday’ because it’s no secret that Liftshare drivers and passengers have been saving a great deal on transport – be it a regular commute, or a long road trip to their favourite sport or…

filed in: Liftshare | tags: #liftshareweek, Liftshare, Liftshare Week, petrol prices, Stephen McVarnock,

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