Are you a winner of The Total Transport Pilot Fund? Liftshare can help…

The Total Transport Pilot Fund is aimed at allowing communities to deliver better transport projects.

Liftshare can help you deliver better transport projects in rural and isolated areas. We work in partnership with the local authorities and transport operators, to implement a cross-sector approach to public transport. This allows us to help you provide services to passengers that are more effective at meeting their needs.

Our personal travel planning tool, MyPTP  integrates multiple modes of transport across the UK; including walking, cycling, driving, car-sharing, and also provides results for all public transport options (including park and ride), whether business to business or by one to one plan delivery.

Utilising myPTP and working in partnership with transport operators we can combine travel information to offer a more ‘joined up’ approach to where services will be most effective.  A fully customisable section on the travel plan can be used to provide information on specific services and offers, in order to encourage modal shift.

If you would like more information on how we can help, please get in touch



Author Jonathan Scutt


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