There is thought to be over £3.5 trillion worth of idle human and physical resources in the world. From empty rooms and spare seats in cars to over-purchasing food and storing useful tools. Global Sharing Week takes over the world from 16th-22nd June 2019, and sharing is simpler than you think. To give you some inspiration, here’s a pick of our favourite…

filed in: Fun,Liftshare | tags: Airbnb, borrow, borrow my doggy, Car, car club,

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The very notion of Liftshare – and indeed the wider sharing economy, is founded on the idea that we help each other using what we already have. That old image of the person next door asking their neighbour for a cup of sugar may feel out-dated, but thanks to companies like NeighborGoods, it’s closer to reality than…

filed in: Industry | tags: Alan Berger, borrow, borrowing, Brooklyn, interview,

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