Providing employee parking is a common headache for employers, especially in cities. It is enormously costly, there are rarely enough spaces for all staff, and unsatisfactory provision can affect staff morale and productivity. Indeed, two-thirds of UK office workers are stressed by workplace parking, especially when it makes them late or leads to colleague tensions. Fifteen percent…

filed in: Industry,Liftshare,Liftshare business,Press | tags: car park, employee, employee of the year, employer, parking,

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It was a double Liftshare celebration last week. Not only did we celebrate our 20th birthday, our Office Manager, Candice, celebrated being Liftshare’s Employee of the Year 2017! For all her hard work, Candice was awarded with a Virgin Balloon Flight for her and her friends. Who did she offer to take? None other than 11 of her Liftshare…

filed in: Fun,Liftshare | tags: 500 feet, 500 foot, balloon ride, car-share, carshare,

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