National Liftshare Week is a great opportunity to get more people involved in sharing lifts. As we’ve had so many new members join Liftshare this summer – a record 23,000 across July and August! – our aim for this year’s Liftshare Week is to get as many members as possible to add or update their journeys. It’ll mean members turn…

filed in: Car sharing,Competitions,Liftshare | tags: competition, Liftshare Week, prize draw, share journeys,

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  Heading to Isle of Wight Festival this summer to get sun, sea and sounds? We’ve got a prize draw that you’ll love! Liftshare are working with the team at Isle of Wight Festival to give one lucky winner a pair of VIP upgrades for their tickets. The upgrade will give you…

filed in: Competitions,Festivals,Liftshare | tags: car-share, Festival, green travel, greener travel, IOW,

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