£250 up for grabs this Liftshare Week!

3rd-9th October is Liftshare Week, our annual celebration of all things car sharing, and the best time of the year to get involved and start sharing yourself!

In addition to the usual cost saving, carbon saving and social benefits, there’s another incentive to give liftsharing a try: we’re offering up £250 in a prize draw to anyone who sends a message to another member requesting to share with them between 28th September and 12th October.

You can register on Liftshare.com, or on your local or employer Liftshare scheme, and start looking for matches right away. Once you find someone you think you’d like to be your driver or passenger, just send them a message, and you’ll be entered! Get involved now!

It’s completely free to send messages to other members, and you’ll be entered whether you’re a newbie or a seasoned sharer. If you’re already sharing, perhaps you have room for another sharer, or maybe just for a one-off trip? There are many benefits to liftsharing, aside from the opportunity to win £250, of course. It’s social as you can meet new people, green as it takes cars off of the road, and is cheaper than most other modes of transport.

As a driver, you can make back up to 100% of your total fuel bill by giving people a lift, and for passengers it’s often a fraction of the price of public transport – so win-win!

If you think car sharing would be beneficial for those you know, or your area (perhaps you have lots of congestion? Or expensive public transport options?), you can promote the benefits of shared travel by downloading, printing and posting up Liftshare Week posters! Get printing and be sure to show us where you’ve done some promotion by tweeting us pics at @Liftshare.

This year’s Liftshare Week campaign materials are all Carpool Karaoke themed, featuring Adele, Elton John, Stevie Wonder and Rod Stewart, alongside, of course, James Corden. We can neither confirm or deny whether or not any of the celebs pictured are member of car sharing schemes – you’ll have to join and start sharing to find out!

If you need any help with using the site during Liftshare Week, drop our Membership Team a line at support@liftshare.com, tweet us at @Liftshare, or message us on Facebook. Either way, we’ll be in touch asap to help you out.

Happy sharing!

You can read the Ts and Cs of the competition over at LiftshareWeek.com.

Author Lex Barber


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