New Product: How does Smart Parking work?


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Liftshare knows that in the UK there are thousands of businesses and local authorities that offer car-parking facilities and want to constantly strive to improve quality, convenience and choice for those that use them.

Smart Parking combines the innovative Liftshare app technology with visibility of daily journey validation for its clients.

You can use Smart Parking to optimise parking space usage, help traffic around your business and in the local city and save your business car park management costs.

You can read all about how you can use Smart Parking to manage, monitor, incentivise and impact your Liftshare car sharing scheme here.

 How does Smart Parking work?

Members form a Liftshare team, generate and print a parking permit and put it on the dashboard of their car:

permit smart parking

*Permits are bespoke to every Liftshare Scheme, so your company logo can be in the top right of the permit

Each day the member liftshares they validate their trip using the Liftshare Companion App to Trip Authenticate with another liftsharer.

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They then park in dedicated car sharing bays offered by the organisation.


The parking attendant (or Liftshare Scheme Manager) scans the QR codes on the Parking Permits through the windscreens of the cars in the dedicated car share bays.

The parking attendant can see the status of the permit on their device and whether the members in that Liftshare team have validated their trip that day:

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Parking attendants can then enforce their parking restrictions as they wish – if car sharers are the only ones allowed to park there and the member has not validated their journey that day – they may be given a ticket or banned from particular areas of the car park for a period of time, for example.

On the other hand, if there are members who regularly validate their trip, Liftshare advises incentives for members, encouraging more employees to liftshare and use the dedicated car sharing bays, increasing usage and reducing congestion and parking problems.


What visibility and monitoring does Smart Parking offer?

The back-end reporting that Liftshare Scheme Managers can see on their dashboard offers a multitude of data:

  • Who is liftsharing and how often they are doing so;
  • Where the journeys are being validated;
  • The status of the permit on the day that it was scanned (This helps with any disputes that may arise);
  • The distance, C02 saving and the financial saving the member has made in sharing that journey;
  • The dates and times that trips have been authenticated and permits have been scanned.

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It’s an exciting time for Liftshare in terms of product releases. We’re fully invested in this product and would be delighted to work with new and existing clients to make Smart Park the best and most innovate solution to aid organisations with their on-site parking.

To find out about the Smart Parking technology further contact us.

Author Sarah Roberts


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