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Following recent reports that some NHS hospital trusts across England were making more than £3 million a year through car park charges, parking at NHS hospitals has come under further scrutiny with issues at some hospitals; causing disruption for both patients and staff. Patients are being warned to arrive at appointments early, allowing plenty of time to find a space. Parking has become such a problem at some hospital sites it have seen an increase in the number of patients missing appointment slots.
Liftshare is working with numerous NHS Trusts to help overcome parking problems. Great Western Hospital implemented a Liftshare scheme in 2010 to ease the pressure on its oversubscribed car park, encouraging workers to share their journeys with colleagues. The car-sharing scheme has seen the hospital freeing up an average of 250 extra spaces for patients every day.
Full case study can be read here: Great Western Hospitals NHS Trust
If you would like more information about how a Liftshare scheme could help your business – please get in touch email or call 01603 389321 and speak to Kate
Author Jonathan Scutt
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