Why ratings and reviews are so important

One of the ‘star’ features of the new Liftshare website are the ratings and reviews. We believe this helps to overcome some of the usual ‘mental barriers’ to car-sharing – you can get to know a little bit of the person you’re going to share with beforehand. Reviews are becoming common ground and a fundamental part of sharing economy platforms of any kind, from Airbnb or Uber to Vinted, and we embrace them as well. Responsible reviews will help us to develop a trusted community of drivers and passengers – Liftsharers!


reviewsWe’d like to highlight that ratings are not about the person, but rather the car-sharing experience – that is, the behaviour of both passenger and driver. Were they on time? Was the driver driving responsibly and you felt safe? Was it a pleasant experience? Did they quickly respond to your messages to arrange the journey? These are all relevant questions, and a positive opinion from other members brings a massive endorsement and increasing trust to the whole community.


We trigger the rating option once you have contacted a member or made an online booking. That means that you can give a 1 to 5 star rating to the person you car-shared with; based on the experience you had, and also leave a review with your feedback.


You can access your ‘Ratings’ section from your ‘Account’. In this section you will see a list of members you can give a rating to, the ratings you’ve given and the ones you’ve received.


Whilst we think ratings and reviews are useful and add another dimension to our community, what do you think? We’d love your feedback! Contact superheroes@liftshare.com

Author liftshare


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