It’s the most wonderful time of the year, and it is also the time of charity and giving. This festive season, Liftshare will be supporting a local charity: Your Own Place. Your Own Place was established by Rebecca White in 2013. The charity was set-up to help find innovative and creative solutions to preventing homelessness and a life…

filed in: Fun,Liftshare | tags: charity, children, christmas, fundraising, future,

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If you weren’t sure just how damaging air pollution could be, then this new report from the World Health Organisation (WHO) will have you thinking twice. One of Liftshare’s key goals is to reduce the number of cars on our roads by encouraging more people to share journeys together. Not only does splitting the petrol money of…

filed in: Industry | tags: ADHD, air pollution, asthma, car-share, child,

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