This Saturday, 18th August 2018, Liftshare celebrates its second decade as a business as we turn 20 years old! How did it all begin? As a student, Liftshare’s CEO, Ali Clabburn needed a low-cost way to get home to Norfolk from Bristol university for Christmas. He posted a request for a…

filed in: Fun,Liftshare | tags: 1998, 20, 20 years, 20th, 20th birthday,

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Global Sharing Week takes place June 7-13 and it sees the world’s sharing companies getting together to show how, with a few lifestyle tweaks, anyone can save serious money, help the environment or improve their social situation by sharing with others. Liftshare has been around since 1998, but it still warms our hearts to see car owners sharing their vehicle’s…

filed in: Liftshare | tags: 2015, Car, car-share, carsharing, Global Sharing Week,

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It’s official – sharing is mainstream.  Most sharing – including car-sharing, is motivated by practical advantages and the obvious incentive of saving money but in 2014 it is becoming an everyday occurrence that people are doing without even realising it.  The industry is expected to double in the next 12 months and companies that embrace it will win loyal…

filed in: Liftshare | tags: car-sharing, infographic, sharing,

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