Remember the Paris Agreement, the UN initiative to limit the increase of global warming? It all seems to have been swept under the carpet whilst we navigate our way through Brexit. In 2018, our planet saw its fourth warmest year since 1980. Global warming should not be on the back-burner to Brexit. With that in mind, it’s time…

filed in: Fun,Liftshare | tags: 7, 7 reasons, 7 ways, active travel, Bulb,

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September 22nd marks Car-Free Day. The initiative, which takes place globally, encourages you to ditch the motor for the day, and look to travel in alternative ways – walk, cycle, or public transport. For one day, you will help to reduce traffic and emissions, as well as get the opportunity to explore – do you look at your…

filed in: Fun,Industry,Liftshare | tags: alternative, car free, car free day, car pool, car-share,

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Wednesday 15th August marks cycle to work day – conditions are set to be dry but warm for the day in the UK, so fill up a water bottle, slap on some sunscreen, pop on your helmet and get peddling! So far, 315, 412 miles have been pledged to the commuting event,…

filed in: Liftshare,Liftshare business | tags: bicycle, CTWD, cycle, cycle scheme, cycle streets,

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We’re called Liftshare, and obviously we promote shared journeys by car; but that’s not all we do! We also provide end-to-end personal travel plans for lots of business’ employees, so that when they set out to get to and from work, or on business road trips, they can see all of their travel options laid out next to each…

filed in: Industry | tags: bike, bike to work week, bike week, car-share, car-sharing,

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