We’ve recently welcomed Community Manager, Amy Young, to the team. Amy loves football and guinea pigs, but can’t stand coriander (which is unfortunately her guinea pigs’ favourite food). Amy will be handling member support queries and email comms, as well as improving user experience on the Liftshare website and app. Liftshare usage has been steadily increasing over the last two years,…

filed in: Liftshare | tags: carsharing, community, liftshare members, members,

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  I know… we do sometimes focus on how much drivers can benefit from Liftshare. (It’s because there are about 11 drivers on our roads for every one passenger!) But if you think you need a car to use Liftshare, think again. Liftshare wouldn’t work without passengers! Maybe you haven’t passed your test, or you can’t afford a car yet,…

filed in: Festivals,Fun,Liftshare | tags: car-sharing, carshare, commute, drivers, get to work,

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