Remember the Beast from the East which battered Britain at the start of 2018? Well, we’re sorry to break it to you (if you didn’t already realise), but it’s back, and although it’s been dubbed ‘mini’, it looks like the cold weather will be here to stay. Combine that with the dark nights drawing in ever earlier and it…

filed in: Liftshare,Safety | tags: advice, bad weather, beast from the east, car-share, Liftshare,

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Christmas is a magical time of year where communities come together in the name of sharing and make their local area a truly wonderful place to be. London is no different thanks to this year’s Winter Wonderland in Hyde Park, which kicks off our run-down of the UK’s best festive markets and attractions.

filed in: Fun | tags: car-sharing, christmas, Hyde Park, lift-sharing, Liftshare,

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Brrrr! You’ve probably already noticed that the UK is getting colder, what with the festive spirit in the air and the temperature dropping faster than the leaves on the trees. It can be a miserable old time weather wise, and nothing punctuates a rubbish winter’s day than having your car refuse to start first thing in the morning. As always us caring,…

filed in: Industry | tags: anti-freeze, car hacks, car secrets, car tips, car wont start,

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It’s likely we’re going to get another harsh winter and, like the boy scouts, it’s always good to be prepared! If  you need to travel in severe weather there are some simple steps that can reduce the risk of being caught out: •    Be informed – just a few minutes checking the weather forecast and traffic reports for your journey could make all…

filed in: Liftshare | tags: car-sharing, carpool, christmas, winter,

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