May celebrates National Walking month, organised by Living Streets – the UK’s charity for every day walking. For 19-64 year olds, the recommended time of weekly physical activity is 150 minutes. That’s just over 21 minutes a day. However, NHS statistics show that ¼ of adults in that age bracket do less than 30 minutes of physical activity… a…

filed in: Industry,Liftshare,Liftshare business | tags: commute, commuting, exercise, living streets, myptp,

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Organisations now have the ability to allocate parking permits that identify car sharers via unique QR codes using Liftshare’s unique verification technology. Smart Parking is the technology which connects a client’s Liftshare scheme, Parking Permits and Trip Authentication together into one package, and gives clients the reassurance that employees are sharing their commute on a regular basis. The highlights Employees of…

filed in: Industry,Liftshare,Liftshare business | tags: car park, car-share, carsharing, congestion, cyber security. trip authentication,

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On behalf of AstraZeneca I would like to invite you to discuss the practical steps businesses can take to encourage behaviour change and promote sustainable travel within the workplace. (more…)

filed in: Uncategorised | tags: behaviour change, travel planning,

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As reported on the Liftshare Consumer Blog UK transportation is stuck in a rut. Rail fares are rising every every year, gridlock problems continue to plague our roads, and transport poverty has become a very real issue for low-income households.

filed in: Business,Car sharing,Liftshare | tags: sustainable travel, travel planning,

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