There is thought to be over £3.5 trillion worth of idle human and physical resources in the world. From empty rooms and spare seats in cars to over-purchasing food and storing useful tools. Global Sharing Week takes over the world from 16th-22nd June 2019, and sharing is simpler than you think. To give you some inspiration, here’s a pick of our favourite…

filed in: Fun,Liftshare | tags: Airbnb, borrow, borrow my doggy, Car, car club,

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Wednesday 15th August marks cycle to work day – conditions are set to be dry but warm for the day in the UK, so fill up a water bottle, slap on some sunscreen, pop on your helmet and get peddling! So far, 315, 412 miles have been pledged to the commuting event,…

filed in: Liftshare,Liftshare business | tags: bicycle, CTWD, cycle, cycle scheme, cycle streets,

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Over the years we’ve heard many great stories from real Liftshare users about how our car share site helped them get to their favourite music festival, stay mobile while suffering from epilepsy, and make a new best friend on the road. Today we hear from another member of our community Andy, who commutes between…

filed in: Liftshare | tags: Car, car-share, car-sharing, drive, journey,

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